Volledige versie: How does de License Transfer Service work?
U bekijkt momenteel een uitgeklede versie van ons materiaal. De volledige versie met bijbehorende opmaak weergeven.
Current User:

  1. Start IBANC and check if your version is 2.0.42. If not, download this at: download.ibanc.eu/ibanc/?version=2.0.42
  2. Click on [Help] and [Transfer License] to transfer IBANC
  3. Fill in the information. Do not forget your password.
  4. Click on [OK], after this an online back-up will be made of all IBANC data.
  5. The license will be sent and the current IBANC installation will not be operational anymore. Click on [YES].
  6. Give the IBANC back-up password to the next user.

[Afbeelding: ?ui=2&ik=f62256e1e1&view=fimg&th=14d4cc3...&zw&atsh=1]

Received information:
  • The IBANC password from the previous treasurer.
  • An e-mail from IBANC with the Userkey and the Transferkey.
New user:

  1. Download IBANC: download.ibanc.eu/ibanc/?version=2.0.42
  2. Install IBANC and enter your userkey
  3. Use the transferkey.
  4. Fill in the IBANC password which was created by your predecessor.
  5. IBANC will close after the transfer.

The transfer has succeeded.