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Country of Debtor has not been entered.
1. Select the relevant record line (single click) and push the button ‘Edit...’ (or double click the record line).
2. Enter the correct country in 'Country debtor' the right hand side of the screen.
3. Save your changes with a click on ‘OK’.

Lijst met mogelijk verwante discussies
Discussie Auteur Reacties Weergaven Laatste bericht
  Country of the Debtor does not match the Country found in the address book. Beheerder 0 4,803 20-11-2014, 14:19
Laatste bericht: Beheerder
  City of Debtor has not been entered. Beheerder 0 4,347 20-11-2014, 13:56
Laatste bericht: Beheerder

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Gebruikers die deze discussie lezen: 1 gast(en)